Wednesday, June 3, 2009


We have been growing a lot around here lately, starting with an orchard that Jordan planted a couple months back. He planted 11 fruit trees and has plans for many more, we have apples, nectarines, apricots, cherries, almonds, and lots more that I can't quite remember. They are doing really well, and starting to produce fruit!

Jordan also was working on planting a garden, he had this whole plot of land nicely tilled, and then got crazy busy and totally ran out of time and was never able to put up a fence or plant anything. So I decided to do my life long goal of having a pumpkin patch, (I couldn't let the soil go to waste). So I planted big pumpkins, small pumpkins, jack-o-lantern pumpkins, and gourds. Thanks to Gayle for the seeds! Fall is my absolute favorite time of the year, and I can't wait to have pumpkins for decorations. Jordan was not too fond of my pumpkin patch idea, he thinks things should be planted for functional purposes. So I promised to bake pumpkin pie and pumpkin bread, so they aren't completely useless.
Just sprouting!

There has also been a lot of growing in the belly department, it's crazy how big I am getting. We don't have a full length mirror anywhere in our house (which does make picking out outfits a little tricky) so when I see a picture of myself I am a little blown away.
26 Weeks!


ⒿⒶⓃⓔⓉ said...

love the garden and the pumpkin patch =) do you own your home??

we are praying for you and baby, and family!

Amber said...

You look great!

meghan winters said...

all the new growth is amazing!=] Praying for you guys. I hope everything is well, can't wait to see you Breanna!

Kali Leenstra said...

I had so fun taking your pictures. Can you email me your address so I can send you the cd. My email is